Amusement Kota Mini Lembang
We created a lot of items for Amusement kota mini lembang. From Interactive wall projecting, make a Content for one of their visitor, and Dome Video.
Kota Mini Lembang
- Video Production
- 3D Visualization
September 06, 2019 – September 21, 2019
Results of Work carried out for this project.
The Interactive projecting we build to entertain the visitor. They can scan and coloring their own fish, then the fish will swimming at the wall we already projecting. And we make other content for one of their place name “rumah gempa” to make the visitor feels like really inside a house when earthquake happen. We display a dome video so the visitor to dome will see a galaxy like they really roaming around at the space.

What we do to finish this projects?
What we do is make an interactive for projecting at the wall. And we make a content for rumah gempa and dome video. All using projecting with higest quality so the visitor will enjoying the view comfortably.
We need to make a lot of interactive and content for projecting with HD picture or video, so people who see it will enjoying the view. After that we need to make sure our projection is on point when we projecting it at the wall or at the dome. Within the place between client and the office a bit far, we need take lot of times to go back and forth to finish the project.
First we build lot of assets before we make an interactive with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photshop. After the asset already done and approved, Vaganza Digital finishing by editing again the And we make it to a video with Adobe After Effect. Blending them together to make a video who can be projecting nicely. And for the interactive we make sure no error when people trying to play it. If we find some bug, there will be a revision for a while.

When all the content is already done, we need to make sure the projecting is fit to the place. We trying to positioning the angle of the equipment so it can viewed by correct angle.

After an installation for the content done, we briefing the staff there to handle the equipment. So they can make sure the content delivered nicely to the visitor everyday.

During the dome video mapping installation, we experienced quite a difficulty in the calibration process because we did it manually.