Puslitbang Augmented Reality
Pusat Litbang Perumahan dan Permukiman is part of Badan Litbang Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. His job is to carry out research and development in the field of housing and settlements.
Puslitbang PU
- Game Development
- 3D Visualization
December 02, 2019 – January 31, 2020
PT. Meraki
Results of Work carried out for this project.
We made an Augmented Reality (AR) application for information for visitors to Puslitbang PU regarding the testing machines there. Applications can be downloaded at Playstore.

What we do to finish this projects?
We conduct research to create an Augmented Reality (AR) application that is efficient and easily understood by visitors. Because with details and very technical information, our role is to deliver that information in ordinary language and easy to understand.
The location is quite far away, namely in Cileunyi and also different machines and with an extraordinary level of detail it is difficult to make our team have to be really detailed to make animation and 3D models so that the information conveyed is appropriate.
First we come to each machine location and interact with the expert team there. We dig various information about the machine to the team of experts there.

There are 2 machines that we will make: the first engine for heat resistance testing, and the second machine for earthquake / motion resistance testing.

We also research into the documents needed so that the information that is later made is appropriate.

Then we make a basic design for the target image. This target image aims at the target that will be scanned later. So when the smartphone is aimed at this target, a moving 3D model will appear.

Next we made a 3D model manually from the photos we took on location. We made the 3D model with a very precise level of detail. We use the 3D Blender application in the process of making models and model animations.

Then using Unity 3D software for the Augmented Reality application programming process using the C # programming language. After that we publish it in the form of an android application and we upload it to the Playstore.