Trinitan Global is a publicly traded company engaged in the energy sector. Trinitan Global houses several subsidiaries, namely: Nipress (NS battery maker), Sky Energy, MMP, etc.
PT. Trinitan Global
Website Development
June 17, 2015 – August 20, 2015
We create websites using 3D rendering and interactive techniques. In 2015, this technique was still very rarely used because it has a high level of complexity. We made all 3D assets to be able to visualize each of Trinitin’s global subsidiaries.
In this project Vaganza Digital helps in the process of:
Because it has many subsidiaries, and with a lot of information and variety, as much as possible we can visualize it well so that it is easily understood by visitors.
During the first meeting, we conducted a briefing with the client to get insight into what the client needed and wanted. At that time the Trinitan website had already been done by an internal team using wordpress-based CMS.
Our idea was then translated into sketches, which we finally tried to create a basic model for 3D assets that illustrates each Trinitan subsidiary factory / office.
After that we tried to make simple basic layouting for the placement of each of its subsidiaries using simple 3D modeling.
When the 3D position is right, then we make a 3D model for the atmosphere in more detail.
After finishing, we re-apply the 3D into the mockup form of the initial website idea.
After that we make some better rendering to make it look more realistic.
We also take another angle to use on the next page which contains each of the details of the Trinitan Global subsidiary.
In making each Trinitan page, we implement it interactively to make it interesting for visitors.