We are a

Digital Agency
Digital Strategist &
Digital Production
in one place.


Pusbangkom SDA dan Permukiman Kementerian PUPR

Video Shoot The 6th International Conference On Management In Emerging Markets (ICMEM) 2021

School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Website Kalyana Learning Centre

Kalyana Learning Center Indonesia

BKKBN Video Animation

Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN)

Process & Services

Today, humans cannot be separated from digital-based information. Start from wake up, work, up to sleep. Technology has changed the many ways that humans communicate. Then, what about the way brands communicate?

Vaganza Digital on behalf of PT. Vaganza Solusi Internasional, is a one stop Digital Solutions for you. Our solutions is divided into 3 stage: Design, Develop, and Deploy.
