BKKBN Video Animation

  • Client: Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN)
  • Start Date: 06/08/2020
  • End Date: 06/26/2020
  • Services:
    • -Video Production
    • -graphic design
  • Collaboration: -
BKKBN is a non-ministerial government institution that is under and responsible to the President through the Minister of Health. BKKBN has the task of carrying out government tasks in the field of population control and organizing family planning.

Results of Work carried out for this project.

We made a re-branding video for the BKKBN logo, HARGANAS, and the ongoing Campaign with the aim of providing education to the public, especially teenagers about the importance of reducing the birth rate in Indonesia during the pandemic.

Published Link
What we do to finish this projects?

We made an animated video re-branding from the old logo to the new logo, HARGANAS animation and a campaign on suppressing birth rates in Indonesia. And we create storyboards, scripts, and assets for each of the videos.


Making stories in order to convey messages to the community in a concise and clear manner requires our team to make a lot of adjustments.


Our team holds a meeting with BKKBN to find out what story to tell in the animated video that will be made. Then, we study the latest logo from BKKBN, the HARGANAS event, and the upcoming Campaign. Next, we create a storyboard for each animated video.

After storyboard being approved, we continued with making assets using Adobe Illustrator and making animated videos using Adobe After Effects.
