
Hosting & Domain

We have several hosting and domain packages to support your data storage online. Hosting and domain needs are usually a data storage medium for: Websites, Systems, Databases, APIs, Backends, etc.


Domain is an important thing in making a website which is your website address. Without a domain, to access the website you must use an ip address (example: You can check domain availability by clicking the button below. The following is also the domain extension details and price.

Extensions Description Requirement Price


The most popular commercial domain name in the world. None IDR 300.000,-


Domain names for networking, websites, and applications. None IDR 300.000,-


Domain names for networking, websites, and applications. None IDR 300.000,-


The right domain name for social / non-profit organizations. None IDR 300.000,-


Easy to remember domain names for information portals. None IDR 300.000,-


Domain names dedicated to business. None IDR 300.000,-


Domain names dedicated to business. None IDR 300.000,-


Indonesia's top level domain for personal and institutional. KTP Republik Indonesia/Paspor milik Penanggung Jawab Pendaftaran IDR 300.000,-

Domain names for companies in the form of CV / PT in Indonesia.
  • KTP Republik Indonesia/Paspor milik Penanggung Jawab Pendaftaran
  • SIUP/TDP/AKTA/ Surat Ijin yang setara/NPWP Perusahaan
  • Apabila Pendaftar adalah Instansi Penyelenggara Negara, maka pendaftaran Nama Domain mengikuti Ketetapan Menteri yang membidangi Komunikasi dan Informatika.
  • Sertifikat Merek (bila ada)
IDR 300.000,-

Domain names for Indonesian KTP holders. KTP Republik Indonesia/Paspor milik Penanggung Jawab Pendaftaran IDR 300.000,-

Domain names for organizations registered in Indonesia.
  • KTP Republik Indonesia/Paspor milik Penanggung Jawab Pendaftaran
  • Akta Notaris atau Surat Keterangan dari organisasi yang bersangkutan.
  • Surat permohonan pendaftaran domain dari organisasi/lembaga terkait.
  • Download Template Surat Permohonan & Surat Kuasa
IDR 300.000,-

Domain names for organizations registered in Indonesia.
  • KTP Republik Indonesia/Paspor milik Penanggung Jawab Pendaftaran
  • SK Pendirian Lembaga dari Kementerian/Lembaga yang berwenang sesuai Peraturan perundang-undangan.
  • Surat Keterangan Rektor atau Pimpinan Lembaga. Draft surat keterangan dari Rektor/Ketua/Direktur (Pimpinan Lembaga)
  • Apabila KTP/Paspor yang dilampirkan adalah KTP Pimpinan Lembaga, maka Surat Kuasa dari Pimpinan Lembaga tidak diperlukan
  • Download Template Surat Permohonan & Surat Kuasa
IDR 300.000,-

Server/Hosting Features

Hosting is a data storage place for your website. In it there are settings for pointing domains, creating emails using your domain name, database, security, etc. Generally we use CPanel or Webuzo for our server / hosting management system. All packages included:

Daily Backup
Unlimited Subdomain
Unlimited FTP Accounts
Unlimited POP3 Email Accounts
MYSQL/MariaDB Database
PHP Support
ModSecurity Website Firewall
Cron Jobs / Script Scheduler
Password Protected Pages
LiteSpeed Webserver
Zend + IonCube Loader
US / SG / ID Based Server
ImageMagick + GD
ClamAV Anti Virus