Website, Application, and Branding for Benihku
Benihku is a digital platform for saving money and making digital transactions. Benihku is part of a cooperative that has been legal and has been running for years and decided to have a digital platform that can be used by the community, especially teenagers.
- Website Development
- Branding
March 09, 2022 – November 30, 2022
Results of Work carried out for this project.
We made a branding of the name, logo, and color palette that will be used by Benihku. We also make a website that is easy and light to access, which contains complete information about the Benihku application. We also create mobile applications for transactions, savings, and other cooperative activities in one platform, the Benihku application. The applications that we create can be accessed through iPhone and Android users easily. And for admin, they can be accessed through the website we already provide.
What we do to finish this projects?
We discussed the branding for Benihku with our team to match the vision and mission of the Benihku brand. Then, from the results of the branding, we apply it to the website and its application. For the website, we make layouts so that all information about the Benihku Application can be conveyed to users who view the Benihku website. We also use the best servers, so that users can access the website easily and quickly. Meanwhile, we made this application by studying the financial process in cooperatives before we made it a system. We also maximize the Benihku application so that users can access it easily for iPhone and Android users, as well as from the admin through the website.
Our team must continue to study the financial flows and processes in the cooperative carefully for the Benihku application. In terms of savings and loans, savings, and how to process year-end reports. This process is very important because it is the main core of this application.
First, we held a meeting with the cooperative and the founder of Benihku to discuss what applications, websites, and branding they want. Next we brainstorm to determine what branding is appropriate that goes hand in hand with making website and application layouts. After the branding and layout that we provide gets approved, we start working on it.
We develop applications using Flutter, while for websites we develop using Laravel. And we are uploading the Application and Website using the best server so that user convenience in accessing can be maintained.